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Install Mazzaroth

Mazzaroth is provided as an image on Docker Hub, which means that it can be run on any platform.

All you will need to begin is to have Docker installed, which you can find here.

Pulling Image

You can install the latest version of the Mazzaroth Image by running the docker pull command:

docker pull kochavalabs/mazzaroth

If you would like to specify a specific version of Mazzaroth include the tag, i.e:

docker pull kochavalabs/mazzaroth:0.8.0

You can find a list of the current image tags on Docker Hub.

Running a Node

You can use the docker run command to create and start a container using the Mazzaroth image.

Running the Mazzaroth image with no arguments will list the usage information


docker run kochavalabs/mazzaroth
Mazzaroth allows you to start a server or interact as a client.

mazzaroth [command]

Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
node mazzaroth node resource
recover Recovery utilities to retrieve data from persistent storage without starting a node.

--cfg-path string config file (default is config.yaml)
-h, --help help for mazzaroth

Use "mazzaroth [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Mazzaroth arguments and flags can be provided with the command to docker run. For example, to get a listing of all of the available flags and descriptions for the Mazzaroth node start standalone command use:

docker run kochavalabs/mazzaroth node start standalone --help

There are a couple of options you will likely want to provide to the run command. Examples are provided below.

Setting HTTP Port

At the very least, to interact with a node you will want to expose the http port. This can be done by using the -p option with the docker run command. The default http port is 6299, but this can be changed by providing a flag to the Mazzaroth command itself.

Using the default value with 6299 exposed:

docker run -p 6299:6299 kochavalabs/mazzaroth node start standalone

Providing a configured http port:

docker run -p 6300:6300 kochavalabs/mazzaroth node start standalone 6300

Mounting the Data Directory

With the default docker run command Mazzaroth will write persistent state data to the container itself. So if the container is brought down or restarted then any data that was written will be lost. This might be okay if you are just using a node for testing or development, but you may also want to persist data so that a node can be restarted from an existing ledger.

You can bind host directories using the docker run --mount option.

With the mount option using type bind set src to the absolute path of the directory on your machine and set dst to /data, which is the default data directory in the container's filesystem.


docker run -p 6299:6299 --mount type=bind,src=/data,dst=/data kochavalabs/mazzaroth node start standalone